Wednesday, June 6, 2018



  1. Introduction
  2. Methods of representing a set
  3. Types of sets
  4. Subset and Proper Subset
  5. Subset of set of the real numbers
  6. Interval as subset of R Real Number
  7. Power Set
  8. Universal Set
  9. Venn diagram
  10. Operation on Sets
NCERT Solutions
NCERT Solution1

Relations & Functions for Class11

  1. What is Cartesian Sets
  2. What is relations?
  3. What is Function
  4. Algebra of Real Function

Trigonometry and its function

  • Introduction
  • What is angle
  • Degree and Radian
  • Trigonmetric Ratio's
  • Trignometric functions
  • Domain and Range of trigonimetric functions
  • Trigonometrics function of Sum and difference of angless
  • Trigonometric equations
  • Mathematical induction

    1. What is Deductive reasoning
    2. What is Inductive reasoning
    3. The Principle of Mathematical Induction<
    4. Solved Examples

    complex numbers

    1. What is complex numbers
    2. Properties Of complex Numbers
    3. Conjugate of Complex Numbers
    4. Modulus of complex numbers
    5. Graphical Representation of Complex Number
    6. Polar Representation of the complex number
    7. Rotation of Complex Number
    8. What is the significance of Complex Numbers
    NCERT Solutions
    NCERT Solution1

    Quadratic equation

    1. Flashback of Quadratic equation
    2. Complex Roots of quadratic equations

    Linear Inequalities

    1. What are inequalities
    2. Things which changes the direction of the inequality
    3. Linear Inequation in One Variable
    4. Linear Inequation in Two Variable
    5. Quadratic Inequation
    6. Steps to solve the inequalities in one variable
    7. Steps to solve the inequality of the another form
    8. Steps to solve Quadratic or polynomial inequalities
    9. Absolute value equation
    10. Absolute value inequation
    11. Graphical Solution of Linear inequalities in Two Variable
    NCERT Solutions
    NCERT Solution1


    1. What is factorial
    2. Fundamental Principle of counting
    3. Permutation
    4. Restricted Permutations
    5. Another Theorem of Permutation
    NCERT Solutions
    1. NCERT Solution1
    2. NCERT Solution2


    1. What is combination
    2. Combination Formula
    3. Properties of Combination Formula

    Binomial Expansion

    1. Binomial Theorem
    2. Important conclusion from Binomial Theorem
    3. General Term in Binomial Expansion
    4. Middle Term in Binomial Expansion

    Probability for Class11

    1. What is Probability
    2. Terms related to Probability
    3. Algebra of events operations<
    4. Classical Probability
    5. How to Solve Probability questions
    6. Addition Theorems on Probability
    7. Solved examples

    Relations and Functions

    1. What is Cartesian Sets
    2. What is relations?
    3. What is Function
    4. Algebra of Real Function
    5. Type Of Relations
    6. Type Of Functions
    7. Composite Function
    8. Invertible Function

    Vector Algebra

    1. What is vector
    2. Difference between Scalar and Vector
    3. Type Of Vectors
    4. Addition Of vector
    5. Subtraction of vectors
    6. Scalar multiplication of vectors
    7. Components of the vector
    8. Multiplication of two vectors
    9. Dot product of vectors
    10. Cross product of vectors
    11. Triple product
    12. How to solve vector algebra problems
  • vector addition and subtraction
  • Vectors and their properties
  • Algebra of Matrices

    1. What is Matrix
    2. Types of Matrices
    3. Equality of Matrices
    4. Addition (and Subtraction) of Matrices
    5. Properties of Addition
    6. Identity Matrix
    7. Scalar of  Multiplication/Division Matrix
    8. Multiplication Of Matrix
    9. Transpose of Matrix
    10. Why study the Matrix
    11. How to Solve Matrix Problem
    12. Solved Examples
  • Matrices Worksheet-1
  • Matrices Worksheet-2
  • Matrices Worksheet-3
  • Matrices Worksheet-4
  • Probability

    1. Flashback of Class11 Notes
    2. What is Conditional Probability
    3. Multiplication Theorem on Probability<
    4. Total Probability Law
    5. Solved example
    6. Bayes Formula
    7. Solved examples